The quality of your samples and materials (cell lines, media and other reagents) are crucial as they could affect the quality of the cultures and the subsequent scientific data and products derived from them.
That is why all of our sample preparation products will allow you to get the best from your cell cultures.
What's next? Go to Culture step.

APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow™ filters
Culturing embryonic stem cells using media filtered with Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow PES filter units.
APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific™ ART™ tips
Maintaining Sample Integrity with Aerosol-blocking Tips
SMARTNOTES 1: Laminar Airflow products
Why is a dual blower system better than a single blower system?
- SMARTNOTES 1: Laminar Airflow products (461.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES 2: Laminar Airflow products
Why are airflow alarms an important consideration for Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)?
- SMARTNOTES 2: Laminar Airflow products (382.8 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Biological Safety Cabinets
Where is the highest risk of contamination in your biological safety cabinet (BSC): the HEPA filters or the airflow balance at the front opening?
- SMARTNOTES: Biological Safety Cabinets (1,022.6 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Electronic Pipetting Systems
Do the tip attachment and ejection force vary significantly among different adjustable tip spacing pipette brands?
- SMARTNOTES: Electronic Pipetting Systems (1,005.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Water purification systems
Why is UV intensity monitoring important for ultrapure water?
- SMARTNOTES: Water purification systems (313.4 KB)
Gibco Cell Culture Guidebook
Gibco cell culture reagents: Designed to deliver reproducibility and performance for results you can count on every day
- Gibco Cell Culture Guidebook (1 MB)
Thermo Scientific Barnstead GenPure Pro specifications
Thermo Scientific Barnstead GenPure Pro UV/UF ‐ TOC Type 1 Lab Water Purification System
Thermo Scientific Biological Safety Cabinets
Good for you, good for the environment. Upgrade your BSC today and save.