Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ UHPLC/HPLC columns
Founded on state-of-the-art solid core technology, Accucore UHPLC and HPLC columns provide a robust chromatography solution to enhance laboratory efficiency.

Accucore UHPLC Columns
Using 1.5 μm solid core particles, Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ Vanquish™ UHPLC columns allow UHPLC users to enjoy performance benefits over columns packed with conventional sub-2 μm fully porous particles.

Accucore HPLC Columns
Containing 2.6 μm solid core particles with a very narrow particle size distribution, Accucore HPLC columns allow high speed and high resolution separations.

Accucore HPLC Columns for Biomolecules
Accucore HPLC columns are packed with 150 Å particles allowing biomolecule separations to benefit from the superb resolution and high speed enabled by solid core technology.

Accucore XL HPLC Columns
Using 4 μm solid core particles, Accucore XL HPLC columns allow users of conventional HPLC methods to enjoy performance far beyond that of columns packed with 3, 4, or 5 μm fully porous particles.