How to Gain Process Efficiencies with Your -80°C Storage with Advanced Ultra-low Temperature Freezers from Eppendorf
Documentation and traceability are key elements of any workflow in your pharmaceutical laboratory. Find out how the Eppendorf CryoCube F740hi -80°C freezer can support your audit trail, and more…
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Find out how Eppendorf cold storage solutions can support your audit workflows and processes by:
- Reducing the burden to create and collate freezer trend data
- Simply report on events and alarms
- Drive your ULT freezer maintenance schedules
Discover how VisioNize touch enabled devices can support you by:
- Provide enhanced sample safety and traceability
- Track who has accessed the samples and when
- Limit set point changes to specific users
Webinar key topics:
- Understand the possible challenges with cold storage auditing documentation
- Learn how Eppendorf ULT freezers can contribute to your compliance processes
- Understand the possibilities for creating audit files using the VisioNize Lab Suite
Our Speaker

Mr. Stephen Dey
Head of Regional Segment Marketing Europe, Eppendorf
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