Ear Protection: Proper Selection and Relevance of Adequate Fit Testing
Have you ever experienced hearing discomfort in your working environment? In this webinar you will learn how to get protected from noise.
Watch the WebinarAgenda
Hearing protection must be appropriate for you and your situation. To provide an adequate level of safety, productivity and comfort, you need to reduce noise just enough, not too little or too much. For this reason, 3M offers a wide range of earplugs and earmuffs that provide the perfect solution for different individuals and different applications.
Discover in this webinar simple solutions for the complex challenges of hearing protection.
Webinar key topics:
How do we hear?
- Effects of noise-induced hearing loss
- Perception of the environment
- Regulatory framework
- Noise risk control
- Selection of hearing products
- Advantages of fit validation of hearing protection devices
Related documents
- Brochure: Dual ear validation system
- Brochure: Performance of 3M EARfit Valid System
- Article Comparison of different measurement systems for ear protection
Our Speaker

Mrs. Patrícia Pinheiro
Product Manager for 3M Iberia.
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